풀내음 팀블로그/이호의 "투덜투덜"

도요타 재단 2010년 지원사업 공모 안내문

'녹색당' 2010. 3. 16. 16:50
아래의 내용은 도요타 재단으로부터 저희 이음 메일로 온 2010년 지원사업 공모 안내입니다.
참고하셔서 필요한 분들이 많이 활용했으면 합니다.

1. Application for grantees of "Asian Neighbors Program" and
"Research Grant Program" in 2010 begin in March 16.

For the fiscal year 2010, The Toyota Foundation will call for application for
"Asian Neighbors Program" and " Research Grant Program" as the following.

Application Period

From Tuesday, 16th March to Friday, 7th May 2010 (15:00 at JST)

From Tuesday, 16th March to Wednesday, 12th May 2010 (Postmarked date)

Information for both programs are provided at our website on

We look forward to receiving your applications.