지난 번에 저희 이음 블로그에 일본 토요타 재단 지원사업 공모가 시작되었다는 내용의 안내를 해드렸습니다. 이번에는 토요타 재단의 Program Manager로 일하시는 권수진 박사가 직접 한국을 방문해 관심있는 한국의 NGO 관계자들에게 토요타 재단의 지원사업에 대해 안내를 하는 기회가 마련되었습니다.
일시는 5월2일, 일요일이고
장소는 홍대 근처의 '함께일하는재단' 입니다.
토요타 지원사업 설명회에 대한 보다 자세한 안내는 '함께일하는재단' 홈페이지
공지사항을 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Posted by '녹색당'
[토요타재단]에서 올해 아시아 지역 단체 사업 교부금 프로젝트가 공고가 됐습니다.
2009년 11월부터 2년간 사업을 할 수 있고,
지원 금액도 꽤 됩니다. 일반 교부금이 800만엔, 즉 거의 1억 가까이 되는 금액인 것 같습니다.
아래 내용 참고하시고,
관심 있는 지역단체가 있으시면 신청해보세요.
작년에는 사업설명회가 비공식적으로 진행됐었는데,
올해는 그런 기회가 없을 듯 합니다.
혹 궁금한 게 있으시면 연락주세요.

자세한 것은 여기를 클릭해보시고요, http://www.toyotafound.or.jp/english/03entry/ajirin/index.html
아래는 그 화면입니다.

Grant Framework
Application period Friday, March 20 to Wednesday, May 13, 2009 (postmarked date)
Amount of grants Small-scale grants: Up to ¥2 million per project
Ordinary grants: ¥2 million to ¥8 million per project

Total amount of grants ¥120 million
Period of grants Two years beginning November 1, 2009
Selection of grants Decisions taken at the Board of Directors Meeting in the autumn of 2009
  • Information for Applicants (HTML)
  • Information for Applicants (PDF)
  • Application Form (Word)
  • Application Form (PDF)

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Program Aims and Objectives

The people of Asia have traditionally led their lives in the midst of relationships with nature and the people close to them, as well as with other people. The rapid advance of economic globalization, however, has made it difficult to lead a complete life while relying exclusively on relationships within a community or country. Dynamic movements of people, goods, and energy, among other things, are giving rise to new culture and social systems in communities as a result of encounters with new neighbors?a term that here refers to people both within and outside a given community or country. These movements have also created greater environmental burdens and climate changes, however, and have begun to undermine the sustainability of our lifestyles.

In light of this new environment, it is essential to reevaluate our connections to nature and to other people, and to construct living communities that can be sustained into the future. To that end, this program supports projects devoted to building communities based on mutual reliance and collaboration. We hope to receive pragmatic proposals that incorporate new viewpoints, energy, and knowledge, while still respecting traditional cultures and wisdom, for efforts to form networks with neighbors, promote the creation of communities, and eliminate obstacles to network and community development.

Project Areas
Relationships with nature
Relationships with people
Social systems

Grant Framework

Amount of Grants

  • Applications are divided into the two categories listed below, based on the scale of the proposed project (including participants, location, and content of the activities to be carried out).

    (1) Small-scale grants: Up to ¥2 million over a two-year period
  • This type of grant is recommended for projects in which participants are located in one country and activities are focused on a single location.

    (2) Ordinary grants: ¥2 million to ¥8 million over a two-year period
  • Total amount of grants: ¥120 million

Period of Grants

  • Projects will last for a period of two years from November 1, 2009.

Determination of Grants

  • Formal decisions on the selection of projects for grants are made by the Board of Directors at its meeting in the autumn of the applicable fiscal year on the basis of deliberations by the selection committee in July. Applicants will be informed in writing as to whether their application has been successful or not following the decision. There may be delays due to the postal service.

Grant implementation

  • Once a grant has been decided, the foundation and the project leader will exchange memorandums, on the basis of which the grant will be implemented. The project leader will submit a progress report and an accounting report during the grant period and a final report and other documents at the end of the grant period.

Indirect costs, general administrative costs

  • The grant does not cover the indirect costs of the organization to which the recipient is affiliated or general administrative costs ("overheads").

Top of this page

Grant Framework


  • There are no restrictions based on nationality or affiliation.
  • Proposals are especially welcome for joint projects conducted by participants from diverse backgrounds.
  • Projects must be implemented either in locations in multiple countries in Asia or within a single Asian country other than Japan. (Project proposals focusing on activities in locations in Japan may be directed to the Grant Program for Community Activities.)
  • This program is NOT intended to provide grant support for projects focused on research or efforts primarily conducted by researchers. (Project proposals focusing primarily on research activities may be directed to the Research Grant Program.)

How to Obtain Application Guidelines and Project Proposal Forms

To download the form

  • Please download the application form from this page.
  • (File available from March 20 to May 13)
  • Information for Applicants (HTML)
  • Information for Applicants (PDF)
  • Application Form (Word)
  • Application Form (PDF)

To receive an application form by post

  • Send your request by postcard or fax to the Toyota Foundation (at the address/number below) no later than April 30, 2009. Please indicate (1) the name of the program (for example, "Request for Asian Neighbors Program Grants application form"), (2) whether you require the Japanese or the English version, and (3) the address to which the form should be sent.

Application deadline

  • Applicants must ensure that their applications are sent by the deadline, Wednesday, May 13, 2009. This is the final deadline for posting; applications postmarked after this date will not be accepted.

How to apply

  • Applicants in Japan should send the application form by registered mail or another delivery service that leaves a record of delivery, such as a courier service.
  • Overseas applicants should use a courier service or EMS (Express Mail Service).

Other points to note

  • Applications must be filed on the provided application forms only. Do not add pages.
  • As the application forms will be copied in the selection process, please do not attach the form sheets, such as with staples or glue.
  • If you format your application by pasting print-outs onto the form, please make a copy of the complete form and send the copy.
  • Application forms should be printed on one side of the paper; please do not use double-sided printing.
  • Do not bring your application to the Toyota Foundation in person or submit it by fax or e-mail.
  • Please submit only one copy of the application form. No additional documents should be included with an application.
    " Applications cannot be replaced or updated once they are submitted.
  • Applications postmarked after Wednesday, May 13, 2009, will not be accepted.
    " Submitted applications will not be returned.
  • Applications postmarked after Wednesday, May 13, 2009, will not be accepted.
  • Submitted applications will not be returned.
  • The "application number" space at the top right of the application form is for Toyota Foundation use. We will mail you a postcard by early June to inform you of your application number.
  • If any statement in an application is found to be untrue or misleading, the application may be rejected, and even if the project proposal has been approved, the grant may be cancelled.
  • The Toyota Foundation will not respond to questions about the reasons for its approval or rejection of project proposals.

Address to send

Asian Neighbors Network Program The Toyota Foundation
P.O.Box 236
Shinjuku Mitsui Building 37 F 2-1-1 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0437

Privacy Notice

The personal information supplied by applicants will be used to screen and select projects, to produce statistics, and for administrative purposes, such as contacting the person in question. It will not be used for any purpose other than those specified without the permission of the individual concerned, except where allowed by law.
For details, please see the Privacy Notice.

Posted by '녹색당'

일본에서 공부 중인 강내영 씨(전 관악주민연대 사무국장)의 소개로 일본 토요재단이 지역 연구조성 프로젝트 사업과 관련하여 공모사업을 진행하고 있다는 것을 알았습니다.

그 동안 토요타재단이 '희망제작소'나 '아레나' 등에 국제교류 네트워크 사업의 일환으로 지원해왔는데, 이번에 처음으로 '연구조성 사업'을 지원하기로 했답니다.

대략적인 내용을 소개하면

- "글로벌화 아래에서의 지역의 활성화"라는 큰 틀 하에
- 공모 분야는 1) 인적자원 양성 2) 제도 개선사업 3) 상징과 문화의 창조 또는 재창조 4) 새로운 자본 흐름 5) 커뮤니티 재구조화 형성 6) 인적 자원의 새로운 흐름.......등 6가지 분야이며(제가 영어가 짧아서 아래 링크 주소를 직접 확인해보세요^^)
- 타당성, 선명성, 수단 또는 방법, 사회적 효과 등의 기준으로
- 1년 또는 2년 사업을 신청할 수 있고
- 최대 1년 사업으로 2천억엔(한화 약 2억원)을 지원하겠다는 것이며,
- 5월 10일까지 제출(물론, 영어나 일어로)해야 합니다.

오늘 관악시의회에서 토요타재단에 근무하는 한국 담당자(권수진 박사)가 와서 사업 설명회를 했는데요,
과제가 뚜렷하고, 사회적 의미와 공헌도가 높고, 결과물이 구체적이라면 선정될 가능성이 높은 것 같습니다. 무엇보다 권수진 박사는 이 사업을 통해 제도나 정책에 영향을 준다면 더욱 높은 점수를 받을 것이라고 하네요.

가장 인상 깊었던 것은,
결산에 대한 부담이 거의 없고,
인건비 사용이 가능하며
사업 추진 단체의 자율성을 존중한다는 점에서 매력적이었습니다.

아래 링크 내용을 참고해주세요.

(제가 설명회 참석하고 타이핑 쳐 놓은 것이 있습니다. 아직 정리는 안 했는데요, 필요하신 분의 요청을 대비해서 다음 주 초까지 정리해보도록 하겠습니다)


Posted by '녹색당'